There was once a time where DJ's played vinyl. Carrying heavy crates into clubs, sorting through cover after cover with a flash light in their mouths trying to see in a dark area underneath the 1200's that were stationed in, what felt like, a three ton coffin. There were no set playlists, and DJ's knew exactly what to play next, vibin' off the party people. This era was not too long ago, everyone remembers this. Dj's were considered vinyl junkies, they didn't care about anything else besides music, they were just some random dudes that were in the back room and no one really cared to see them.
Today, we have beauty pageant models as DJ's, we put them on center stage and just stand there to watch them, until the LED lights burn a hole in our eyeballs. Even Monday Night Social (For Hollywood Residents) has sold it's sole to greed. I remember standing ten feet away from Miss Nine at the old Nacional main floor. Not everything has gone to shit, some things have excelled and gave us things that were never possible on the old MK2's.
Pioneer DJ Global drops it's limited CDJ-2000 next month. If you got the money and are in the industry get 'em while it's available. If not, just enjoy this video of Miss Nine.